F. A. Q

Stress, severe fatigue, emotional shock leads to chain reactions on our metabolism, including hair loss.
These factors have an impact at the cellular level and on the hair follicles.
They have harmful effects on the scalp and can stop hair growth.
It is recommended in this case to act quickly on the scalp.

Change of season, unsuitable shampoo, drug treatment, pollution… are factors that act on our body which can lead to temporary hair loss.
It is recommended in these cases to act punctually on the scalp. Either in prevention or as a "boost" cure for a period of about 2 months.

Hair, which seems increasingly sparse over the years, is a sign of progressive hair loss, also called androgenetic or androgenic alopecia (hormones responsible for the drop in testosterone and dihydrotestosterone) men are the most affected, and younger and younger. Women are not spared, particularly affected after menopause.

From its scientific name, androgenetic alopecia can be treated and hair loss will be slowed down or even stopped. A hair loss that lasts for at least 6 months is most certainly a gradual hair loss. We lose between 40 and 60 hairs per day, the hair's life cycle lasts an average of 3 to 5 years for 25 life cycles. As a result, the hair is renewed throughout its life. However the hair remains dependent on our metabolism and when the hormones are produced in excess or more slowly, these have a sudden impact on the scalp, it is time to give it a boost... The CG anti-hair loss treatment will act to rebalance the scalp and provide it with what the metabolism can no longer do.

Hair loss in you gentlemen, spreads gradually or by a surge of hormones. The diagnosis is severe it is true, especially since the progressive fall can start very early if it is linked to heredity, the loss can be revealed from the age of 17 - 18 years. It's time to act.
