Procapil, the active principle, which stops the fall of your hair.

Anti-aging, lifting, and prevention fall protection such are the promises of Procapil. This active principle combat the process of aging hair to prevent hair fall. That contains really is this active ? How does it work and can it really solve the problem of hair loss ? Our experts CG Distribution you meet.

 The DHT, the main cause of alopecia.

 Alopecia or hair loss can be caused by several phenomena. Often, it is due to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This male hormone causes damage to the more sensitive areas of the scalp, such as the crown, the forehead or the temples. It blocks the development of new hair and decreases the microcirculation in the scalp. As a result, the hair is weakened and their growth cycle is reduced.

How does Procapil ?

 To fight against alopecia, it is thus necessary to identify its main causes, namely, the microcirculation, the atrophy and aging of the hair follicle caused by DHT. Made from various plants, Procapil contains active natural components. These components will strengthen the cells present in the root of the hair and promote their regeneration. Thus energized, the hair bulbs will be able to keep the hair healthy.

What are the components of Procapil ?

In addition to the active natural components there are three other active principles in Procapil. The first, a matrikina vitamin (biotinyl-GHK) with a strong regenerating and rejuvenating. This asset will allow to fix the hair in the follicles and dermal and prevent their fall. It also has the power to promote the growth of hair.
The second active, apigenin is a flavonoid present in particular in the persil, rosemary or chamomile. Anti-inflammatory, it will soothe the scalp and improve the microcirculation.
Finally, we find in Procapil a oleanolic acid extract of the roots of Lovely Hemsleya. Known for its properties as a tonic and is high in antioxidants, oleanolic acid will come to strengthen the roots and fight against the aging of the follicles.

Cures CG Distribution, THE solution capillary.

Cures capillaries CG Distribution were designed to combat the anomalies of the scalp. A range of care contractors consists of products made exclusively in France. In collaboration with our lab cosmetics French, we draw on over 50 years of experience and research expertise capillary to prevent hair loss. Inspired by nature, all of our products are formulated with active principles of vegetable origin. Combined with these principles, the patented complex Procapil helps to fight effectively against hair loss.

Alopecia seasonal, solutions do exist.

The scalp is sensitive to the seasons. The winter can be terrible for your hair. The temperature changes and, in particular, the cold can dry out. The friction of the caps will without doubt undermine it. If one adds to this the stress and fatigue, you get a perfect cocktail to promote the hair loss. You tend to lose your hair ? You are prone to alopecia ? Start today for a cure capillary GC to find your hair shiny and healthy. Check out our range of shampoos, serums and other lotions and make your online purchases !
