The cure spring to healthy hair throughout the year.

Spring settles gently. The season of renewal where the nature is flowering again for our greatest happiness. Of new growth in your garden, but not on your scalp ? Do not panic, alopecia seasonal is not a fatality. Our team CG Distribution, le Club des Gentlemen, you provides great tips for taking care of your scalp during changes of season. Follow the guide !

It is normal to lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day.

Hair loss is a phenomenon that affects everyone. Indeed, it is quite normal to lose their hair. We lose, on average, between 50 and 100 hairs per day, it is the regular cycle of growth of our hair consists of four steps. The anagen phase, which corresponds to the shoot, the catagen phase (resting phase), telogen phase (maturity of the hair), and finally the phase exogenous where the hair falls out to make room for a new one.

 Alopecia seasonal, that is what it is ?

 Sometimes it happens that we lose more hair than usual over a period of time. This can be explained in several ways : fatigue, stress, change of shampoo, treatment, etc. one of The causes of loss of hair that we have a tendency to minimize, it is the change of the season ! In fact, our scalp is sensitive to changes and, in particular, to climate change. Humidity, light, temperature, etc are all factors that are changing in the spring. Our hair stood out all winter, but, stimulated by the warmth and the sun of the beautiful days, they may fall off and start their cycle of growth. It is then called alopecia seasonal.

Hair loss transitional, which can be reduced or even avoided.

 This phase transition occurs, in general, the change of season and lasts between 4 to 6 weeks. It is necessary to allow time for your body, and your hair, to adapt to a new rhythm. However, if you find that the loss of your hair lingers. It is advisable in this case to consult your doctor.

A cure vitamins, staying well hydrated and eat a balanced diet can help your body to stay in good health. However, a cure focused on your scalp is essential to prevent, and even avoid losing too much of your hair.

The cure anti-chute CG Distribution is effective for regrowth of your hair.

Our Club of Gentlemen has been specially designed for you, a cure anti-chute consisting of a serum, shampoo and lotion that will promote regrowth of your hair. A clinically proven effective, with the molecule of Procapil (read our dedicated article). In effect, this treatment will act on three major axes. The serum will prepare the scalp, detoxify and stimulate microcirculation. Shampooing anti-chute CG will provide the necessary nutrients to your scalp and assist in the anchoring of the hair. Finally, the lotion CG rich in active anti-fall will stimulate the growth and increase in cell multiplication.

Our scalp is comparable to a garden. With a fertile soil and good soil, we obtain an abundant harvest. Throughout the year, CG Distribution helps you take care of your hair with the right products. In the cure or everyday use, check out our range of treatments to fight against hair fall, dandruff, or to calm scalps sensitive.
